The year was about 1993-ish - not quite sure. When you're as old as I am, the years start to melt together. Yeah, that's it. She was in a film that year.
Anyway, at the time, I was a sound designer in a local theater here, and I was doing a lot of freelance work as well. On one of those occasions I was contracted by MTV to provide sound services to a local camera operator for three days of shooting at the Sundance Film Festival. Our assignment was to work for the MTV crew doing interviews of anybody they could wrangle, and then hit the party circuit in the evening. I think it was for a daily update show that was airing on MTV during the festival. I don't know if MTV still does that or not, seeing as I don't really WATCH MTV at all.

I approached Ms. Bullock, holding the mic clip and the belt pack in my hand, and told her we needed to "mic-up", she was in a makeup chair and her handlers were doing her hair and makeup, etc. She said "sure, go ahead".
I turned pale. Okay, paler.
Then I grabbed the second button of her shirt with my left hand and fed the mic up under her shirt from the shirt tail with my other hand, concealing the mic wire under her shirt, and clipped it to the second button area where my other hand was waiting.
By this time, all blood had now left my head, and the room was spinning. I got it all situated properly, clipped the pack to the back of her pants, and we were set.
We bonded. She's now my best buddy. We go out for coffee all the time. Okay, well, not exactly.
But there you have it: something odd that most people can't say - "I've had my hand up Sandra Bullock's shirt - and she approved."

impressive. sadly, i've not yet felt up a star.
OHM has had his share of stars, but none while he was awake.
Now let's take a survey...Alice Cooper or Sandra Bullock ( see we're going for 2 female 'sounding' names here) and Billy Crystal or Billy Idol (can't remember if that was you or P.. you're right the years and memories simply mash together.. but,I do remember the story though...)
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