
The Mortgage Times - new posts up

The last two parts to "The Truth Behind Points" has now been posted over at The Mortgage Times. A couple of colleagues and others have expressed some dismay though. Because, you see, I just took all the "magic" out of how I get paid. Some don't like that, but I say, over and over, that you, as a borrower of money, should be well informed. And that includes knowing how I get paid.

You don't work for free, and I don't either. But how I get paid shouldn't be a secret to you.

If you want to nickel and dime me to death, I'll politely ask you to FOAD. But if you want a loan done right the first time, when it should be done, with knowledge and respect, you know what to do.

And blog readers get a DISCOUNT on origination. Because I am a nice guy. I give a damn.

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