
Again with the fireplaces....

Here, have one - you know you want one...

Also, this try seems to have worked out a little better than last time.

That is all for now.


Loralee Choate said...

Dear GOD that chicken looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Got the recipes thanks!
I guess I'll have to have thatone daughter over to compare huh?
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think the tub/fireplace combo looks amazing!

Something for everyone, right???


Taya Jensen said...

haha ... personally i Liked it better last time. The smell of fire.. the sound of you cussing up a storm in the back yard.. and walking out to see three BLACK chickens.. just chillin like it was NOBODYS business. haha sooooo funny!!!!!

Scott Hinrichs said...

Practice makes perfect.

The story goes that a young guy asks an older, very successful guy how he became so successful. "Good judgment," he replies. So the young guy asks how he got good judgment. "Experience," he says. So he asks how he got experience. "Poor judgment," came the answer.

The blackened chickens were just an intermediary step on the way to grilled perfection.