
So here's a thing...

I had my car in for its yearly proctology exam earlier this week. When I called to check in on its progress, the dude at the shop replied that it was going to be fine, but that I NEEDED to tell him why the hell I have red badges on the car instead of the blue ones. He said that EVERY SINGLE person who had come into the garage had asked what's with the red badges, and he didn't know. It was driving him crazy, along with everybody else who asked. (It's a BMW-specific shop, too.)

I imagine my answer was quite unsatifying, given the big build-up: "ummm, because it looked cool."

"Oh, well, okay then."

This isn't the first time this has happened either, I have been asked the same question perhaps a dozen times, at stop lights, gas stations, parking lots, fast food drive throughs (no joke!), etc.


Sarah Bellum said...

fast food eaters are far more observant than i...

seriously, i had to look at the picture twice to figure out what you were talking about.

AND i'm happy to see you're finally back to posting.

That One Guy said...

Seriously, EVERY single time I go through the dive through at the local Crwon Burger, somebody pokes their head out of the window and asks what's up with the red badges.